August 13, 2017: Updated "mine", and have been working in earnest on a proper archive of my hexies. Keep your eyes out for updates soon!

July 30, 2017: Greyhound file has been posted! Along with a minor addition to the "Misc." downloads page...

July 23, 2017: Updated the "my petz" pages! I am finishing up a petzy Greyhound file, which I hope to post soon. Also, most of my old AR/Cierra breeds have been found! I've been uploading them to the PKC breed hosting site, and I would like to get another archive of those here...because with data storage, redundancy is a good thing! I'll get cracking on that when I find the time.

July 7, 2017: I actually have all the pages up! Woohoo! Now, to work on more downloads for y'all...

July 6, 2017: Updated the layout a bit! I guess you could consider this version 2.5? Tweaked a few minor things here and there. Added some links. Added img text on the off chance anyone hovers on anything. :)

June 26, 2017: Added the Jack Russell file for download.

June 21, 2017: Links! Stuff! Things!

June 16, 2017: Added actual content! Holy cow! :)

June 15, 2017: Added update box complete with notes! And a little shoutbox. Working on getting ~*actual content*~ up soon! Planning on crew, hexed files, etc.

June 3, 2017: Added cliques and such, tweaked some stuff, nothing major really.

May 7, 2017: Created this site (pretty much just a placeholder page at this point). Many thanks to Celia for hosting :)